Kdaj: 3.-11. november 2013
Kje: Newcastle upon Tyne, Velika Britanija
Kje: Newcastle upon Tyne, Velika Britanija
V današnjem času se tehnologija spreminja iz dneva v dan. Vsekakor se ta tehnologija dotika mladih, bodisi v študijskem življenju, bodisi v sklopu delovanja v različnih mladinskih organizacijah. Če si želiš slediti spremembam in o njih ozaveščati ter tako doprinesti k napredku se prijavi na usposabljanje.
Rok prijave je 10.9.2013. Za dodatne informacije in prijavo piši organizatorjem.
technology is changing very fast. If we are speaking about digital
world, new tools and applications are becoming more and more advanced
day by day. - See more at:
technology is changing very fast. If we are speaking about digital
world, new tools and applications are becoming more and more advanced
day by day. - See more at:
technology is changing very fast. If we are speaking about digital
world, new tools and applications are becoming more and more advanced
day by day. - See more at:
technology is changing very fast. If we are speaking about digital
world, new tools and applications are becoming more and more advanced
day by day. - See more at:
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